Everything is energy. We know this metaphysically as well as scientifically. From our scientists to our mystics, it is generally understood that everything in existence is differentiated only by frequency and quality of vibration. From the smallest atom to the most complex system, everything we can perceive, everything we experience, and everything that we are is an expression of a fundamental creative energy. This fundamental energy of creation has been called many names such as The Universe, God, Great Spirit, Source, All That Is, or as we like to refer to it: The One. We encourage you to refer to it in whatever way makes you most comfortable.

Where this understanding differs from religious ideas is that The One is not seen to be something separate from ourselves and from creation. We understand ourselves to be aspects of creation and therefore Aspects of The One. We are actively participating in creation and having our own individualized experience of it. This is true for all beings both embodied and disembodied, both physical and metaphysical: everything is an Aspect of The One*.*

One of the greatest gifts and challenges creation has given us is that we experience ourselves as a separate individual. In this way we make our own choices, are responsible for our own actions, and have the opportunity to participate in creation in our own unique way. The process of evolving our capacity to work with the energy of creation to produce the life we want is the great adventure of our lives. It is a journey into the unknown. It allows us to come to know ourselves both as an individual and as an Aspect of The One.

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