"It [the fundamental energy / consciousness of creation] has no intent. But you can create any intent for it. With the same life energy, somebody will do evil things, with the same life energy somebody will do wonderful things, because it has no intent. It is simply there. It empowers you whichever way. Let us say it is like electricity. You can make sound out of it, you can make light out of it, you can make whatever you want out of it. Just like that, the fundamental force which drives us has no intent." - Sadhguru

The second foundational principle is the idea that the energy of creation does not have its own intent. It is just energy. This energy is alive in us. We have intent, we choose what to focus on, and we perform energetic, mental, emotional, and physical actions. Therefore we have the potential to use this energy towards creating whatever we choose.

We acknowledge that we have wants and desires. These wants and desires are not good or bad, they are simply an expression of our desire to expand beyond our present limitations.

If you don't have what you want in life or in your experience it is not because The One doesn't want it for you and it’s not because what you want isn’t for the highest good. You don’t have what you want because your energetic, mental, emotional, and physical actions are not in alignment with making it happen. Stated in another way: you are not congruent with having what you want. The practices we teach are about bringing yourself into alignment and making yourself congruent with having what you want.

Often times when we explore our wants through the foundational practice "What Do You Want & Why Do You Want It?" we might discover that what we thought we wanted isn't what we actually want. Learning more about our own motivations, excavating our true desires, and adjusting our intent accordingly allows us to gain clarity and ultimately move toward being congruent and naturally creating the life we want.

One thing to keep in mind is that because The One doesn't have intent and doesn't differentiate between good and bad it becomes our ultimate responsibility to take into consideration the consequences of our actions. A simple teaching states that what we do to others, we do to ourselves. This ultimate responsibility and the consequences of our actions also factors in to finding our clarity, our congruency and creating what we want.

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